Texture Wall
Wallpanel with textured surface

Wallpanel with textured surface
Texture Wall
- Patented
- Unique surface solution
- With tongue and groove for easy installation
- Recommended by the Asthma and Allergy Association
- Delivered in 2 pack - easy to carry
- Easy maintenance
Huntonit Texture Wall - give your home a character that separates you from the crowd.
Wood Wall Stained
Wallpanel 5 board faspanel with a soft wooden textureWood Wall prepainted
Wallpanel 5 board faspanel with a soft wooden textureCottage Wall
Whitewashed wallpanel with 5 boards in 3 different widths. Saw Cut has a unique surface structured to replicate saw blade processed wood -
Huntonits product development and new products are in accordance with our promise of delivering the healthiest panel core.
- Panel size: 11 x 620 x 2390 mm